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The Black Rose Page 3

  Jerome smiled, “Well then we have plenty of time to get to know one another.”

  “Right,” Wilhelmina said realizing she had no idea what they should do or talk about. She never had talked to anyone else but Milly before. She wished Milly was here right now, she would make this so much easier. Then again, Milly would probably just throw a fit and claim Edolie was being rude for having Wilhelmina spend time with Jerome.

  They walked down the castle hall towards the exit. Wilhelmina thought having to leave to be a bit extreme, but she really didn’t get the chance to protest. Plus, she wasn’t allowed out much, so it would be nice to see the city. Wilhelmina and Jerome were silent until they reached the entrance to the city.

  “Come to think of it, I never had a proper tour of the city,” Jerome said as they walked down the cobblestone path.

  “Um…. Well…” Wilhelmina bit her lip and began playing with her hands behind her back before continuing, “I’m actually not allowed out of the castle often...”

  “What?” Jerome said in shock, “and why not?”

  “I thought everyone knew,” Wilhelmina said startled by his reaction, “I’m….”

  “Let’s sit down first,” Jerome said taking her hand and pulling her down the somewhat busy street. He picked the first spot he saw that had seating, which was a table outside of a bakery. A woman greeted them and asked if they would like anything, but before Wilhelmina could speak, Jerome quickly asked for two cups of tea and the woman was gone.

  “Please continue,” Jerome said once they were alone.

  “Uh, well, you see, my parents didn’t want me to marry before my sister, so I was never allowed out of the castle. They worried I might meet someone. I also wasn’t allowed to go to the Spring Balls until the last one….” Wilhelmina stopped talking when the lady brought them their tea and disappeared. She took a break from talking to sip her tea.

  “But why would they be so concerned if you marry before your sister? Everyone knows Edolie is next in line, the council decided that. It wouldn’t matter who you married,” Jerome said in amazement and Wilhelmina’s eyes bulged. This was all new news to her.

  “What?” Wilhelmina stuttered as she stared at him wide eyed and Jerome realized he might have said something that probably shouldn’t have. If King Wilhelm and Queen Henrietta hadn’t told her this, there must have been another reason…

  “Well I guess if Edolie died for some reason….” Jerome stammered trying to make up a reason for the King and Queen’s actions.

  “Yes, but why her?” Wilhelmina calmed down and looked down at her empty tea cup. Yes, that was something she had been wondering all her life, why Edolie? What was so special about the younger sister that she was actually permitted to surpass her older sister in taking the throne.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry,” Jerome said placing his hand on hers. He didn’t like the way Wilhelmina looked. She seemed so sad and confused.

  “It’s not that I’m jealous or anything,” Wilhelmina panicked, “I don’t want to be queen, but I….”

  “Answers,” Jerome stated and was glad Wilhelmina calmed down, “Reasons, closure, it’s only reasonable to want to know why especially in your case.” Jerome sipped the rest of his tea as they sat there in silence for quite awhile. They both had a lot on their minds and neither was sure what to say after such a heavy topic. The sun was beginning to set and the lady that owned the bakery came out to deliver the bill.

  Jerome paid the lady and left her a tip on the table before standing. “We should probably go and check on them,” He said breaking the silence. Wilhelmina nodded and they both headed off back towards the palace only to discover that Edolie was still busy with dresses.

  “Edolie’s still in there getting a dress,” Shirley informed Wilhelmina as they walked up to her and Bianca. They had left the castle in order to get some fresh air and take a break from Edolie.

  “She’s getting a custom made gown,” Bianca said, “It makes sense, but they have been at it for hours! They spent a whole hour just deciding on how long the train should be.”

  “They?” Jerome questioned.

  “Delaney and Edolie,” Shirley responded, “Those two are crazy!” Wilhelmina, Jerome, and Bianca burst into fits of giggles.

  Jerome sighed, so this was supposed to be his wife. He wasn’t sure if he liked Edolie as much as he had before. Wilhelmina had a certain charm to her, but she was not next in line for the throne. After their talk today, he began to wonder why she wasn’t chosen and planned on confronting his parents it. He just needed to come up with an excuse to return home.

  “Hey, what are you spacing out about?” Bianca gave Jerome a little shove, snapping him out of his thoughts.

  “Oh nothing,” Jerome laughed nervously. Jerome glanced at Wilhelmina and noticed she was smiling at him, but soon he found himself looking at an angry Bianca. “Um, what did you say?”

  “I asked what color do you think looks best on Edolie.”

  “Oh that’s easy, blue,” Jerome responded remembering the Edolie’s eyes were blue, “It goes well with her blue eyes. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh Edolie just wanted to know, so she knew what color of dress she should wear the next time you two go dancing,” Shirley said.

  “Is there going to be another ball?” Jerome blinked in confusion.

  “Yes, at your place,” Bianca said before heading back into the castle with Shirley.

  “Um, what’s going on?” Jerome asked Wilhelmina.

  “They want to have a ball at your palace so they can meet your family,” Wilhelmina said, “They’re thinking it would be fun to have a Masquerade Ball. Honestly, I think they just want to have a reason to dance with lords and princes.”

  “Probably,” Jerome laughed. The girls came out of the castle to inform them that Edolie had finished designing her wedding gown and that they could all finally take a break. They decided that they were going to have some tea and cookies in the lounge room.

  Edolie grabbed Jerome’s arm and began to lead him to the castle. Jerome experienced a strange feeling of disappointment when he was separated from Wilhelmina. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he forced himself to let go of his feelings in order to listen to Edolie chatter about the wedding. After all, it was thanks to Edolie that he now had an excuse to return home. He was sure his parents would approve of a ball. They also probably wanted to meet Edolie since she would soon be their son’s wife.

  Wilhelmina giggled, and, along with the other bridesmaids, followed after them. She, however, decided to go up to her room. It was a long day and she was worn out. Plus she wanted to avoid Milly for a bit since she knew her dear friend would demand to know everything that happened.

  Chapter 4

  A couple days had passed since picking out the bridesmaid dresses and today Jerome would be heading home to ask his parents about holding a Masquerade Ball. Edolie had begged to go with him, but he wanted to do a proper introduction with her at the ball like they had done for the Spring Ball. She was sad to see him go and decided to put all her energy into planning the wedding ceremony.

  Wilhelmina was becoming less and less excited for the wedding as Edolie stormed the castle barking orders. On the other hand, Milly was only becoming more enraged. It probably didn’t help that Wilhelmina had decided to tell Milly about her conversation with Jerome.

  “It just doesn’t make sense!” Milly exclaimed throwing her hands in the air out of frustration, “None of this makes sense! You could have left the castle and married by now! Why are they keeping you locked up! It’s like you’re Rapunzel!”

  Wilhelmina had had some time to think on it the past few days and had come up with one reasonable explanation, “Well, if Edolie had died, and I hadn’t married a prince, then I think our kingdom would have a slight problem. A commoner has never ruled before...”

  “True,” Milly said, “But that would be their own fault for picking the youngest!”

  “Milly…” Wilhelmina
sighed, “How many times do we have to go through this?”

  “Well it’s just not right,” Milly huffed as she crossed her arms and sat down on the bed next to Wilhelmina.

  Wilhelmina placed her hand gently on Milly’s arm, “I’m sure my parents had good intentions, we just don’t know what they are. I think it’s best to just let them go because I’ll be allowed to marry after this and then it’s no big deal.”

  “You’re right,” Milly sighed in defeat, “The whole thing just frustrates me.”

  “Well on the plus side, we’ll be able to dance with some handsome gentlemen at the Masquerade Ball.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet your prince charming,” Milly teased. She knew Wilhelmina had never taken an interest in any man. She wasn’t even sure what Wilhelmina’s type was, but she must be really picky if not a single man had managed to attract her attention. Then again, Wilhelmina didn’t really get to meet very many men since she was often confined to the palace.

  “Well, even if I do, I won’t know who it is,” Wilhelmina said and both girls giggled.

  Wilhelmina felt more comfortable with a Masquerade Ball because they would all be wearing masks. No one would have to know who she was, so she wouldn’t be as nervous as she was at the Spring Ball. Wilhelmina also had never danced before and planned to do her best to avoid dancing, but if she had to, at least no one would know who she was. Milly, on the other hand, loved dancing, so the ball would be her time to shine.

  “Maybe you’ll meet someone,” Wilhelmina nudged Milly playfully.

  “Doubt it, what guy wants to marry a maid,” Milly said standing up.

  “Milly…” Wilhelmina began, but Milly interrupted her.

  “I better get to work, talk to you later,” Milly said quickly before running out the door. Wilhelmina sighed. She wished Milly wouldn’t think of herself that way. She was a nice girl and Wilhelmina was sure some guy would be happy to have her. Milly went through such hardships that it wasn’t fair for her not to ever marry and leave the castle.

  Wilhelmina sighed, but then again what her parents had done to her wasn’t really fair either. It seemed there were a lot of secrets that involved her. Though she had told Milly it was alright and not to worry about it, she found herself agonizing over not knowing. It also frustrated her that she cared so much.

  Edolie’s wedding had brought about feelings she had put aside for so long. If only there was some way she could find out why she wasn’t chosen to be the next heir. Wilhelmina figured asking her parents was not the best idea, but unfortunately, that was probably the only way for her to find out the truth.

  Back in Vanica, Jerome, his parents, his elder brother, Nicholas, and his wife, Loretta, were having a discussion in the council room. Each kingdom’s palace had a council room. This allowed the kingdom’s to take turns on holding the council, making it fair for all the kingdoms. The council consisted of all kings and queens from all the kingdoms. It even included the future king and queens, such as Nicholas and Loretta. Jerome and Edolie would soon be a part of the council once they were married.

  Vanica’s council room had a long solid oak table, consisting of ten beautifully carved wooden chairs on each side. There was one chair on each end of the long table, which was where the hosting king and queen would sit. Along the back wall, there were six extra chairs in case there was not enough seating at the table. The future kings and queens would sit in the back if there was no room at the table since they were not as important as the current rulers. The walls of the council room were painted a royal blue and had a gold floral trim painted along the top, which were Vanica’s colors. The walls were also accented with gold frames that held beautiful paintings of various plants and angels. The biggest painting was located above the fireplace and was a painting of the sun.

  The sun was a very important symbol for all the kingdoms and each council room held a painting of it. All current kings and queens were descendants of the kings and queens of the past that had been chosen by the heavens. The heavens had marked them with the sign of the sun. This symbol thus reminded them that they had all been chosen and must work together to preserve peace throughout the land.

  The king was sitting at the far end of the table and his queen sat on his right side. Jerome was sitting next to his mother and across from him sat Nicholas. Loretta sat next to Nicholas. This was the typical family seating. The eldest always sat next to the father and the youngest, next to the mother. However, Jerome would soon be sitting next to King Wilhelm and whoever Wilhelmina chooses to marry will sit next to the queen. The Aridales were the first to break the long lasting tradition of the eldest having rights to the throne and Jerome wanted to know why.

  The conversation had started out simple with Jerome making a request for a Masquerade Ball. His parents said yes to that easily since they were eager to meet Princess Edolie. The marriage had been arranged at the girl’s birth and so they have not seen her as the lady she now is. However, the conversation took a spin for the worse when Jerome wished to inquire information about Wilhelmina.

  “This was a decision made by the council and will remain within the council,” Jerome’s father, King Baudouin, spoke in a serious tone. Queen Isadora, Jerome’s mother, rested her hand gently on her husband’s shoulder to calm him.

  “I think he should know the truth,” Queen Isadora spoke calmly.

  “Mother, you….” Nicholas began to speak but the queen raised her hand to silence him.

  “Jerome will soon become a member of the council and so it would not make any difference whether we choose to tell him now or later,” Isadora spoke looking directly at Jerome. Jerome had a feeling he was about to uncover a very dark secret.

  “However,” Isadora continued, “What we tell you must not leave this room. You must not mention any of this to Princess Edolie, and especially not to Princess Wilhelmina. Understood?”

  “Yes mother.”

  “I do not agree with your mother,” Baudouin began, “But, I will warn you. Stay away from Princess Wilhelmina. Princess Edolie is your bride. I fear that you are asking because you have started to become attracted to the wrong princess.”

  “I will marry Edolie,” Jerome answered, “But Wilhelmina will be my sister and I wish to know more about her.” Queen Isadora nodded her head in agreement.

  “Nicholas, Loretta, you will not be needed,” Isadora spoke to her son and his wife. Both bowed to her before exiting the room. Once gone, the queen began to tell the story of how Wilhelmina was born with a curse.

  Jerome left the room in shock of what he had heard. King Baudouin wanted to go after his son, but his wife prevented him from leaving.

  “Give him some time,” Isadora said gently and her husband returned to his seat.

  “I hope you know what you are doing,” Baudouin sighed in defeat. Isadora smiled before leaving her husband to relax.

  Jerome, on the other hand, could not relax. He had managed to make it back to his room, but was still in shock. Wilhelmina was cursed. She would never be allowed to marry for she could never fall in love. It didn’t seem fair for her not to know. Wilhelmina was right now probably thinking that she would soon be free to marry whomever she wants, but in reality, she would forever be locked away in that tower. Jerome understood that it was for her own safety, as well as the kingdom of Aridale, but didn’t she deserve to know? He had promised his parents though and he knew telling her would crush her. Jerome wished he had never gotten involved. Curiosity killed the cat after all.

  In the end, he knew that the right thing was to keep quiet for now. He made a promise and it would be wrong for him to break it, especially when he wasn’t even part of the council yet. His mother had faith in him and he did not wish to disappoint her. In the end, Wilhelmina will find out and he was sure it was better she did from her parents and not from him. The fact he cared about Wilhelmina so much also annoyed him. He was to marry Edolie, yet he kept coming back to Wilhelmina.

  Jerome sighed, “You just have to get
to know Edolie more and then you’ll realize that you love her and Wilhelmina means nothing to you.” He felt much better after saying it out loud. He hopped off his bed and made his way down to the palace entrance.

  Jerome had to admit to himself that he liked Wilhelmina, but it wasn’t fair for Edolie since he hadn’t spent as much time with her. She was always running around doing wedding stuff. He wanted to know more about her and the Masquerade Ball would be the perfect time for that. They’ll be together all night. By the end of tomorrow night he would surely be in love with her and there would be nothing to worry about.

  Chapter 5

  Everyone in the palace of Aridale was in a hurry to head to Vanica. The Masquerade Ball would be held in the evening and they had to leave now if they were to arrive on time. Everyone was waiting on Wilhelmina, who was being very reluctant to leave her room. Wilhelmina was causing everyone to be late, but Edolie demanded for her sister to come and so King Wilhelm and Queen Henrietta had to prevent the carriages from leaving till Wilhelmina was present.

  “It’s not that bad Wilhelmina, come on out,” Milly shouted as she pounded on Wilhelmina’s door. Wilhelmina didn’t respond and so Milly kept pounding.

  On the other side of the door, a very nervous Wilhelmina stood looking at herself in her mirror. Milly had picked her dress again, but it was far worse than the red and gold ball gown she had worn to the Spring Ball.

  She was wearing a black and white ball gown. The black part of the dress had small gold stars scattered all over it. The dress featured black off shoulder sleeves that hooked at her bust. The hook was covered by a gold star. The gown also came with a black shawl that had little gold stars all over it. She looked like the night sky.

  Wilhelmina knew it was a masquerade, but felt Milly had overdone it. She looked like a clown. Even her shoes matched the dress. They were black, and featured a gold star at the front. The mask she didn’t mind. It was black and had a white feathers coming off the left side. It was simple compared to the rest of the outfit. Wilhelmina took a deep breath. It’s not like anyone would know it was her at the ball.